Tessa Beinema

Personalised intelligent interactions | AI | HCI | eHealth


Interview: “The rise of the virtual doctor”

If a family member has an inherited heart condition, there is a chance that you have it too. Usually, you will then receive a letter with information and an invitation for an interview about possible DNA testing. Researchers at the University of Twente are now testing whether they can approach people via a virtual doctor.

Symposium: Digitalising Genetic Counselling

Last week, I co-organised the first symposium on digitalising genetic counselling from the initiative of our eCG Family Clinic project. Hosted at Paushuize in Utrecht, the day featured an interesting programme with international speakers who are experts on health technology in the genetics context. Prof. Dr. Peter van Tintelen from the UMC Utrecht officially opened

Invited talk: The TechMed Event

On Wednesday, November 2nd, I gave an invited talk as part of the first plenary session of the TechMed Event. In this session about ‘the staffing crisis in healthcare’, I presented the work performed during our Council of Coaches project and on the two resulting open source platforms: the WOOL Dialogue Platform and Agents United.


A month ago, I successfully defended my PhD thesis! This marked the end of a period of four years at Roessingh Research and Development and the University of Twente, in which I investigated how we could tailor coaching conversations with virtual health coaches.