All publications should be open access. If you cannot access a publication, feel free to ask me for a copy.

Beinema, T.C. (2021). Tailoring coaching conversations with virtual health coaches.
PhD thesis. University of Twente. ISBN: 9789036552608
Preprints of submitted articles
Van Lingen, M.N., Van Till, S., Giesbertz, N.A.A., Beinema, T.C., Ausems, M.G.E.M., Klaassen, R., Cornel, M., Van den Heuvel, L.M., Van Tintelen, J.P. (date to be added). Digital genetic counselling services for cascade cardiogenetic testing: a focus-group study on proband, relative and provider perspectives. medRxiv.
Van Lingen, M. N., Meulenkamp, J.V., Siemelink, M.A., Beinema, T.C., Klaassen, R., Heylen, D.K.J., Van Tintelen, J.P., Van den Heuvel, L.M. (date to be added). Evaluation of the DNA-poli: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial to assess a digital platform for family cascade genetic testing and predictive genetic counselling. medRxiv.
Vaseur, R. M. E., te Braake, E., Beinema, T., Oude Nijeweme – d’Hollosy, W., Tabak, M. (2024). Technology-supported shared decision-making in chronic conditions: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. In Patient Education and Counseling, 108267.
Beinema, T., op den Akker, H., Hermens, H., van Velsen, L. (2023). What to discuss? – A blueprint topic model for health coaching dialogues with conversational agents. In the International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 39:1, pp. 164-182.
Beinema, T., op den Akker, H., Hurmuz, M., Jansen-Kosterink, S., Hermens, H. (2022). Automatic topic selection for long-term interaction with embodied conversational agents in health coaching: A micro-randomized trial. In Internet Interventions, 27:3, 100502.
Hurmuz, M. Z. M., Jansen-Kosterink, S. M., Beinema, T., Fischer, K., op den Akker, H., Hermens, H. J. (2022). Evaluation of a virtual coaching system eHealth intervention: A mixed methods observational cohort study in the Netherlands. In Internet Interventions, 27:3, 100501.
Beinema, T., op den Akker, H., Hofs, D., van Schooten, B. (2022). The WOOL Dialogue Platform: Enabling Interdisciplinary User-Friendly Development of Dialogue for Conversational Agents [version 1; peer review: 1 approved]. In Open Research Europe, 2:7.
Beinema, T., op den Akker, H., van Velsen, L., & Hermens, H. (2021). Tailoring coaching strategies to users’ motivation in a multi-agent health coaching application. In Computers in Human Behavior, 121, 106787.
Snaith, M., Conway, N., Beinema, T., De Franco, D., Pease, A., Kantharaju, R., Janier, M., Huizing, G., Pelachaud, C. & op den Akker, H. (2021). A multimodal corpus of simulated consultations between a patient and multiple healthcare professionals. In Language resources and evaluation, 55, 1077–1092.
Ter Stal, S., Tabak, M., op den Akker, H., Beinema, T., Hermens, H. (2020). Who do you prefer? The effect of age, gender and role on users’ first impressions of embodied conversational agents in eHealth. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction.
Beinema, T.*, Davison, D.*, Reidsma, D.*, Banos Legran, O., Bruijnes, M., Donval, B., Fides Valero, A., Heylen, D., Hofs, D., Huizing, G., Kantharaju, R.B., Klaassen, R., Kolkmeier, J., Konsolakis, K., Pease, A., Pelachaud, C., Simonetti, D., Snaith, M., Traver Salcedo, V., van Loon, J., Visser, J., Weusthof, M., Yunus, F., Hermens, H. + and op den Akker, H.+, (2021). Agents United: An Open Platform for Multi-Agent Conversational Systems. In Proceedings of the 21st ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents. (* shared first authors, + shared last authors)
Das, K.S.J., Beinema, T., op den Akker, H., Hermens, H. (2019). Generation of multi-party dialogues among embodied conversational agents to promote active living and healthy diet for subjects suffering from type 2 diabetes. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2019). Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
Katharaju, R. B., Pease, A., Reidsma, D., Pelachaud, C., Snaith, M., Bruijnes, M., Klaassen, R., Beinema, T., Huizing, G., Simonetti, D., Heylen, D., op den Akker, H. (2019). Integrating Argumentation with Social Conversation Between Multiple Virtual Coaches. In Proceedings of the ACM Intelligent Virtual Agents Conference (IVA 2019). Paris, France.
Snaith, M., Bedsted, B., Ramchandra Kotnis, S., Øjvind Nielsen, R., Beinema, T., Klaassen, R., and Pease, A. (2018). Challenges in argumentation and dialogue for autonomous, multi-party health coaching. In Argumentation and Society (ArgSoc). Warsaw, Poland.
Snaith, M., De Franco, D., Beinema, T., Op den Akker, H. & Pease, A. (2018). A dialogue game for multi-party goal-setting in health coaching. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2018), Warsaw, Poland, pp337–344.
Beinema, T., Op den Akker, H., Hermens, H. (2018). Creating an artificial coaching engine for multi-domain conversational coaches in eHealth applications. In Proceedings of the AAMAS Workshop on Intelligent Conversation Agents in Home and Geriatric Care Applications (ICA-HoGeCa2018). Stockholm, Sweden.
Op den Akker, H., Op den Akker, R., Beinema, T., Banos, O., Heylen, D., Bedsted, B., Pease, A., Pelachaud, C., Traver Salcedo, V., Kyriazakos, S., and Hermens, H. (2018). Council of Coaches: A novel holistic behaviour change coaching approach. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2018). Madeira, Portugal.
Beinema, T., Kolkmeier, J., Klaassen, R., van den Heuvel, L., Siemelink, M., van Lingen, M., van Essen., D., van Tintelen, P., Heylen, D. (May, 2024). Risk assessment using a virtual assistant in a digital genetic counselling application. Abstract and oral presentation at the Supporting Health By Technology conference (HealthByTech2024). Groningen, the Netherlands.
Beinema, T., Klaassen, R., Kolkmeier, J., van Lingen, M., van den Heuvel, L., Siemelink, M., van Essen D., van Tintelen, P., Heylen, D. (June, 2023). Design of the interaction and virtual assistant in a digital genetic counselling application. Abstract and oral presentation at the Supporting Health By Technology conference (HealthByTech2023). Enschede, the Netherlands.
Beinema, T.*, Davison, D.*, Reidsma, D.*, Banos Legran, O., Bruijnes, M., Donval, B., Fides Valero, A., Heylen, D., Hofs, D., Huizing, G., Kantharaju, R.B., Klaassen, R., Kolkmeier, J., Konsolakis, K., Pease, A., Pelachaud, C., Simonetti, D., Snaith, M., Traver Salcedo, V., van Loon, J., Visser, J., Weusthof, M., Yunus, F., Hermens, H. + and op den Akker, H.+, (2021, September). Agents United: An Open Platform for Multi-Agent Conversational Systems. Poster presentation at the 21st ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents. Kyoto, Japan – held online due to Covid-19 restrictions. (* shared first authors, + shared last authors)
Beinema, T., Op den Akker, H., van Velsen, L., Hermens, H. (2021) What to discuss? Automatic topic selection for embodied conversational health coaches. Abstract and oral presentation at the Supporting Health by Technology conference (HealthByTech 2021). Enschede, the Netherlands.
Beinema, T., Davison, D., Fides Valero, A., Heylen, D., Huizing, G., Op den Akker, H., Pease, A. Pelachaud, C., Reidsma, D., Richards, D., Snaith, M., Van Loon, J., Visser, J., Weusthof, M. and Hermens, H. (May, 2021). Agents United – An Open Platform for Multi-Agent Conversational Systems. Demo video shown at the 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2021). Soton, United Kingdom (event moved online due to Covid-19 restrictions).
Beinema, T., Op den Akker, H., van Velsen, L., Hermens, H. (2020) What to discuss? Automatic topic selection for embodied conversational health coaches. Abstract accepted for oral presentation for the Supporting Health by Technology conference (HealthByTech 2020). (Event cancelled due to Covid-19 restrictions.)
Op den Akker, H., Beinema, T., ter Stal, S., Broekhuis, M. (2018, June). Designing virtual agents for persuasive health coaching. Abstract and workshop at the 8th Supporting Health By Technology Symposium (HealthByTech 2018). Enschede, the Netherlands.
Beinema, T., Dotsch, R., Grootjen, F.A. (2014) The Detection of Facial Expressions for Action Coordination. Abstract and poster at the 26th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC 2014). Nijmegen, the Netherlands.