Foundations of Interaction Technology
2023-2024 (Q3); 2024-2025 (Q1)Role: Teacher/Examiner. University of Twente programme: Master Interaction Technology
Design of Persuasive Health Technology
2023-2024 (Q3)Role: Project Coach/Examiner. University of Twente programmes: Bachelor Creative Technology, Master Psychology.
Human-Computer Interaction Design Project
2023-2024 (Q2)Role: Tutorial leader/Examiner. University of Twente programmes: Bachelor Technical Computer Science, Bachelor Business Information Technology
Telemedicine and Data Analysis for Monitoring
2020-2021 (Q2)Role: Supporting Lecturer. University of Twente programmes: Master Health Sciences, Master Biomedical Engineering, Master Technical Medicine.
Philosophy for Cognitive Sciences
2014-2015 (Q4)Role: Discussion Group Leader. Radboud University programme: Bachelor Artificial Intelligence.
Mentor Programme First Year
2013-2014 (Q1-Q4)Role: Mentor for 24 students. Radboud University programme: Bachelor Artificial Intelligence.
Student: Roswita Vaseur
Topic: Technology supported shared decision-making for patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and comorbidities.
Period: 2021 – ongoing
Role: Daily supervisor
Promotion team: Dr. Janine van Til (daily supervisor), Dr. ir. Wendy d’Hollosy (co-promotor), and Prof. dr. ir. Monique Tabak (promotor).
Communication Science (VU) - Thesis
- Currently supervising 5 students.
Clinical Psychology (VU) - Internship & Thesis
- Currently supervising 1 student.
Interaction Technology (UTwente) - Thesis
- Sam Freriks (2024). The journey of developing an embodied virtual genetic counsellor: From concept to assessment. With Dr. ir. Randy Klaassen.
- Sandra Straková (2023). User–based tailoring with reinforcement learning for a mHealth, COPD-focused intervention for increasing physical activity. Assessment committee member. With Dr. Mannes Poel, Dr. ir. Wendy d’Hollosy, Dr. Anouk Middelweerd and Prof. dr. ir. Monique Tabak.
Interaction Technology (UTwente) - Research Topics
- Hannah Ottenschot (2024). Adaptation of e-health applications for genetic counseling. With Dr. ir. Randy Klaassen.
- Sam Freriks (2023). Digital genetic counselling. With Dr. ir. Randy Klaassen.
Interaction Technology (UTwente) - Advanced Project in Conversational Agents
- Lina Strenström (2024). The use of reactive facial expressions in conversational agents for interaction with children. With Ella Velner, MSc.
- Joan Zhao (2023). Designing an intuitive dialogue management interface for AI-collaborative content generation in eHealth conversational agents. Assessment committee member. With Dr. ir. Jan Kolkmeier.
Interaction Technology (UTwente) - Premaster - Academic Research Skills
- Bas Abbink (2022). How can you measure the level of comprehension such that users can make informed decisions? With Jelte van Waterschoot
- Stijn Kamp and Wout van Mensvoort (2022). How can eHealth applications be made more accessible for people with low health literacy? With Jelte van Waterschoot.
Health Sciences (UTwente) - Thesis
- Kjell Lemmen (2024). How ‘shared’ is shared decision making from the healthcare professional’s perspective? The healthcare professional’s perception about the capability of COPD-patients with comorbidities to participate in shared decision-making: a cohort vignette study. Assessment committee member. With Roswita Vaseur, MSc., Dr. ir. Wendy d’Hollosy and Prof. dr. ir. Monique Tabak.
Creative Technology (UTwente) - Graduation Project (Thesis)
- Anaisa van Dinter (2024). VR games for stimulating cognitive abilities and the well-being of elderly with dementia. With Dr. Anis Hasliza Abu Hashim.
- Ashley Braaksma (2024). Developing a tangible interactive game to improve reminiscence among people with Alzheimer’s disease. With Dr. Anis Hasliza Abu Hashim.
- Floor Lieverse (2022). Lifestyle Counselling for People with Type 2 Diabetes and Low Health Literacy. With Eclaire Hietbrink, MSc. and Prof. dr. ir. Monique Tabak.
- Anusha Autar (2022). The Diameter Project: Towards an understandable diabetes app for people with low health literacy. With Eclaire Hietbrink, MSc. and Prof. dr. ir. Monique Tabak.
- Noa Barneveld (2021). Designing communication and coaching content for people with low health literacy. With Eclaire Hietbrink, MSc., Dr. Anouk Middelweerd and Prof. dr. ir. Monique Tabak.
Business Information Technology (UTwente) - Research Project (Thesis)
- Isa Welting (2024). A chatbot to inform about BRCA-gene mutations. With Dr. ir. Randy Klaassen.
- Ali Ali (2024). Improving trust-building through more transparent conversational agent communication, in the context of medical decision support.
Technical Computer Science (UTwente) - Research Project (Thesis)
- Jing-Siang Hsu (2024). Supporting Dutch dairy farmers in transitioning to ecological farming with an online platform.
- Daniel Hernandez Garcia (2024). A scoping review on how precision farming technology affects farmers’ mental well-being.
Biomedical Engineering (UTwente) - Internship
- Sneha Das (2018). Resulting paper: Das, K. S. J., Beinema, T., Op Den Akker, H., & Hermens, H. (2019, May). Generation of Multi-Party Dialogues among Embodied Conversational Agents to Promote Active Living and Healthy Diet for Subjects Suffering from Type 2 Diabetes. In Proceedings of the International Conference on ICT for Ageing Well (pp. 297-304).